Why Would a Doctor Order a CT Scan of the Chest?

A doctor in a white coat holds medical imaging results while a patient lies on a CT scan machine, preparing for a scan.

In some instances, a doctor can more accurately assess a patient’s medical condition through a computed tomography (CT) scan that provides a detailed, cross-sectional image of what is inside a patient’s chest. 

This is often helpful in investigating the possible causes of unexplained coughing, shortness of breath, chest pain, fever, and other health concerns involving the chest and/or lung area. 

So, why would a doctor order a CT scan of the chest?

Just think of a CT scan as one way of ensuring—to a hundred percent—that all bases are covered and that all possibilities are turned down when it comes to your health. 

What is a CT scan?

A computed tomography (CT) scan is a type of painless, non-invasive, and swift imaging that creates detailed perspectives of the body through cross-sectional images of the bones, blood vessels, and soft tissues inside the body. 

Simply put, it is a step further than X-rays, except that it revolves around the patient’s body to acquire more accurate imaging. 

The technology itself has developed for decades, with Godfrey Hounsfield having introduced the first commercially viable CT scanner in the early 1970s. At present, a chest CT scan is among the standard healthcare procedures in most hospitals, clinics, and healthcare centers.

Can a CT Scan of the Chest Detect Problems?

Yes—CT scans of the chest are utilized to gain a more precise picture of the chest area, allowing a physician to see in greater detail what could be causing problems such as but not limited to:

  • Unexplained cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pains
  • Other medical conditions that concern the chest or lung area

In more serious cases, a CT scan is a step further from a chest X-ray in the event that chest X-rays cannot adequately explain certain abnormalities. 

This is because chest CT scans provide greater details of one’s internal organs, bones, tissues, and blood vessels compared to X-rays. Other times, chest CT scans can reveal tumors and can offer a look at whether or not the said tumors respond to treatment. Thus, they can help accurately plan radiation therapies

Chest CT scans can also provide perspectives on various lung disorders such as benign and malignant tumors, pneumonia, cystic fibrosis (along with other serious lung diseases), and congenital abnormalities.

8 Common Reasons Why a Doctor Would Order a CT Scan of the Chest

A patient lying on a medical bed is being prepared for a CT scan by a technician in a clinical setting. The patient is wearing a hospital gown and a neck brace, looking calm, while the technician, wearing scrubs and gloves, operates a machine next to the CT scanner.

Healthcare providers need to be proactive—they use medical history, clinical reason and logic, previous health procedures, and a patient’s medical complaints to arrive at a decision and add another layer of certainty to a diagnosis. 

While a CT scan may reveal a list of possible chest disorders and abnormalities, it is not meant to make you overthink or feel fear.

A doctor may order a CT scan of the chest for several reasons. Here are a few:

1. Detecting, diagnosing, or monitoring lung diseases

Pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD, the constriction of airways that makes breathing difficult), or interstitial lung diseases (e.g., lung scarring or fibrosis) can be detected by CT scans. 

As CT scans provide more detailed imaging of the airways (trachea and bronchi), diagnosis can be more precise, and treatment can be more targeted and effective.

2. Checking for tumors 

If tumors or abnormal masses are suspected in the lungs or chest cavity, CT scan perspectives can give doctors the accurate size, shape, and extent of these tumors and masses, which will be instrumental in the next steps of diagnosis and treatment planning. 

3. Checking for pulmonary embolism

Among the many causes of obstructed blood flow to the lungs is pulmonary embolism or blood clots. As this restricts the supply of oxygen to the lungs, it is considered a medical emergency and thus necessitates swift detection, diagnosis, and treatment.

4. Investigating an unexplained chest pain further 

If previous results do not yield useful information on a patient’s unexplained chest pains, a CT scan of the chest is called for to confirm of rule out suspicions of aortic dissection (a tear in the heart’s main artery, the aorta), pleural effusion (abnormal fluid accumulation in the pleural space), or other issues in the chest. 

5. Metastasis

For cancer patients, the risk of cancer spreading to other parts of the body from their original locations, otherwise known as “metastasizing,” is always present. In such cases, a CT scan is needed to accurately diagnose the metastasis and strategize its appropriate treatment.

6. Checking response to treatment

If an existing chest condition has already been diagnosed and is already undergoing treatment, a CT scan is ordered to see if the said treatment is working.

7. Checking the cause of hemoptysis, of blood coughing

Bleeding, especially when coming from unidentified sources inside the body, can indicate graver health conditions. A CT scan of the chest is ordered to confirm or rule out the possibility of bleeding from the respiratory tract (hemoptysis), so the doctor is able to plan treatment accordingly moving forward. Hemoptysis is often the result of infections, cancer, and abnormalities in the blood vessels, and a detailed imaging of the chest area can help a more accurate finding.

8. Pre-surgery step

For surgical procedures involving the chest area, a CT scan is undergone by surgery patients as part of the preoperative planning shortly before the surgery to confirm the location of either a tumor, an abnormality, and/or an injury. CT scans are also vital in locating the position of vital organs and precise anatomical information, which provides surgeons with the critical information needed for delicate surgeries.

Does A Chest CT Scan Show Inflammation?

Among other things like tumors, injuries, and other complications, CT scans can also reveal inflammation, enlarged lymph nodes, and/or scarring within the chest area. 

It determines abnormalities in the chest wall membranes, cartilage, and other parts of the chest that can be crucial to one’s health and treatment, especially before chest surgeries.

But how exactly do inflamed areas show up in CT scans? Inflammation in the chest area causes tissues to swell. On the CT scan, it shows up as relatively brighter areas or areas with high contrast. 

What is the Cost of a CT Scan of the Chest?

When given an order for a medical procedure, its cost is often among the first things one immediately becomes concerned about. This is completely understandable, as healthcare can be expensive and burdensome for many individuals and families. 

Current pricing indicates that CT scans in the United States cost around $300 to $6,750. However, it is important to note that this pricing can be dependent on one’s state, insurance features, copays, deductibles, and others.

Part of what makes CT scans costly is the technical fee, which includes the procurement, running, and maintaining of the CT scanner. Other components include the professional fee for the team conducting the scan and the overhead fees.

Don’t Compromise—Get Your Chest CT Scan with Ease at Craft Concierge

The necessity of knowing why a doctor would order a CT scan of the chest to ensure one’s health and planning treatments is well understood. However, the cost may not always be as easy to cope with. Sound preparation and a thorough review of one’s health insurance or healthcare plan are two of the ways one can prepare for the costs of chest CT scans or CT scans in general. 

To ensure that the entire process is stress-free and suitably prepared for, a healthcare team with a commitment to the highest standards of patient care and handling can be your friend.

At Craft Concierge, we provide access to top medical tools, including CT scans, at discounted rates with no hidden fees. Our dedicated team is here to ensure you get the best value for your healthcare needs, allowing you to focus on what truly matters—your health. Contact us today to experience a seamless healthcare process! Visit one of our locations to get care in Tampa or Tulsa today!

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