What is the Difference Between an MRI and a CT Scan?
The health industry can sometimes be an alphabet soup of medical terms. When confronted with doctors’ orders for an MRI or a CT scan (or both), people often go with one that seems more familiar, cheaper, or one they can “make do” with in investigating their body’s inner workings. While both procedures are imaging methods […]
Why Would a Doctor Order a CT Scan of the Lungs?
A little cough here, a sharp pain in the chest there, and suddenly, you find yourself with a doctor’s order for a CT scan of the lungs. As the procedure itself can be intimidating and new for many people, it is normal to be worried, anxious, or curious about its purpose and what health conditions […]
Why Would a Doctor Order a CT Scan of the Chest?
In some instances, a doctor can more accurately assess a patient’s medical condition through a computed tomography (CT) scan that provides a detailed, cross-sectional image of what is inside a patient’s chest. This is often helpful in investigating the possible causes of unexplained coughing, shortness of breath, chest pain, fever, and other health concerns involving […]
What is a Healthcare Provider?
Let’s face it—our lived realities, each one busy and hectic in its own particular way, sometimes prevent us from having sufficient time and resources to check on our health as often as desirable. In the short pockets of time and the limited resources that we do get once in a while, we desire to receive […]
What is Healthcare Management?
As the healthcare industry—clinics, private practices, nursing homes, residential care facilities, and other health centers—go through the hustle and bustle of providing all kinds of patient care and treatment on a daily basis, there exists a discipline that standardizes these crucial operations and ensures that the healthcare sector delivers quality, law-compliant, and continuously improving health […]
How Much Does an X-ray Cost? A Comprehensive Guide
X-rays are one of the most commonly used tools in medicine, as they provide a proper look into what’s happening inside your body without any invasive procedures. If you’ve recently taken a nasty fall, experienced persistent chest pain, or have dental concerns, an X-ray is often the first step toward a diagnosis. But beyond knowing […]
What Can a Chest X-ray Diagnose? A Comprehensive Guide
Chest X-rays, or CXR, is one of the most common diagnostic imaging tests used worldwide—along with CT, ultrasound, and MRI scans. But CXR, as the name suggests, typically focuses on helping diagnose various conditions around the chest area, including the heart, lungs, and bones. If you are finding yourself in a position where a doctor […]
What is a CT Scan? All You Need to Know
As we age, it becomes quite apparent that taking care of our bodies is a duty that we must not overlook—and so, this comes with the responsibility of keeping our health in check by going to healthcare providers to ensure that we are all safe and well. But life happens, and there will be some […]
What to Know About Women’s Healthcare in Tulsa
Women’s healthcare is a complicated, unique facet of the medical industry. Unfortunately for many women, finding the right healthcare plan can be difficult, or nearly impossible depending on wants and needs. Thankfully, Craft Concierge knows a thing or two about women’s healthcare in Tulsa. For those seeking specific scans and support, Craft Concierge and our […]
The Role of Advanced Imaging in Preventative Care at Craft Concierge Tulsa
Here at Craft Concierge, we strongly believe in the benefits of using advanced imaging in preventative care scenarios. But, what exactly are the roles of advanced imaging, and why do we choose to use it at Craft Concierge? Let’s find out. What is Advanced Imaging? First, let’s start by defining what advanced imaging is. Advanced […]