How Accurate is CT Scan for Brain Tumor?
The healthcare industry did something groundbreaking when it took the words “If only I knew what was going on inside your head” quite literally. With the advent of scientific and medical innovations, it has now become possible to see inside a person’s head, revealing crucial details that inform your brain health, especially when suspecting brain […]
How Long Does a Head CT Scan Take?
If you’re dealing with frequent dizziness, a lingering migraine after a head injury, or severe head trauma, your doctor might suggest a head CT scan to get a detailed look at what’s going on inside your brain. It’s normal to feel a bit nervous, curious, or even intimidated when you hear about the procedure. Naturally, […]
How to Get a CT Scan: An Easy Guide
Taking care of one’s health has never been easy, as you have to deal with many things: prescriptions, appointments, long queues, and may-be-unfamiliar terminologies—such as CT scans or computed tomography scans. According to Harvard Health, over 80 million CT scans are performed in the United States annually, a stark contrast to the three million scans […]
How Long Does it Take to Get CT Scan Results?
We know—no one likes the waiting game. Anyone who has ever stepped foot into a clinic or a general hospital in the United States has experienced the world of waiting for appointments, receiving results, or booking consultations with specialists. It is not unusual for this waiting time to cause more health-related worries to kick in, […]
How Accurate is a CT Scan for Colon Cancer?
A CT scan is one of the medical field’s most valuable tools in the detection of several types of cancer, including colon cancer. Since the disease mainly affects the large intestine of the human body, a CT scan is the right technology to get a detailed image of the area and detect any abnormal growths […]
How Accurate is a CT Scan for Lung Cancer?
As lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States (and in the whole world), many people have recognized the need to be on top of cancer prevention and early detection methods, usually relying on a range of medical procedures and services. When it comes to cancer, diagnosis and treatment plans […]
What is the Difference Between an MRI and a CT Scan?
The health industry can sometimes be an alphabet soup of medical terms. When confronted with doctors’ orders for an MRI or a CT scan (or both), people often go with one that seems more familiar, cheaper, or one they can “make do” with in investigating their body’s inner workings. While both procedures are imaging methods […]
Why Would a Doctor Order a CT Scan of the Lungs?
A little cough here, a sharp pain in the chest there, and suddenly, you find yourself with a doctor’s order for a CT scan of the lungs. As the procedure itself can be intimidating and new for many people, it is normal to be worried, anxious, or curious about its purpose and what health conditions […]
Why Would a Doctor Order a CT Scan of the Chest?
In some instances, a doctor can more accurately assess a patient’s medical condition through a computed tomography (CT) scan that provides a detailed, cross-sectional image of what is inside a patient’s chest. This is often helpful in investigating the possible causes of unexplained coughing, shortness of breath, chest pain, fever, and other health concerns involving […]
What is a Healthcare Provider?
Let’s face it—our lived realities, each one busy and hectic in its own particular way, sometimes prevent us from having sufficient time and resources to check on our health as often as desirable. In the short pockets of time and the limited resources that we do get once in a while, we desire to receive […]